Center for Reliable Energy Systems

Integrity Assessment and Management of In-Service Pipelines

  • Integrity assessment and risk ranking
    1. Overall risk ranking based on pipeline vintage, construction methods, inspection techniques, service history, and service environment
    2. Fitness-for-service analysis under various environmental and operational conditions
    3. Expert opinion for owners and regulators
  • Vintage girth weld integrity management plan
    1. Overall process
    2. Risk ranking
    3. Limitation and use of ILI tools
  • Management of SCC, including circumferential SCC
    1. Differentiation of superficial and significant cracks
    2. Flaw interaction rule
    3. Burst pressure prediction
    4. Hydrostatic testing vs. fitness-for-service assessment
  • Integrity assessment of circumferential corrosion
    1. Acceptance criteria
    2. Burst pressure prediction
    3. Code compliance
  • Assessment of corrosion in fittings
    1. Acceptance criteria
    2. Burst pressure prediction
    3. Code compliance
  • Assessment and life prediction of pipeline with wrinkles and dents
    1. Fatigue life prediction models for pipes with dents and wrinkles
    2. Seam weld integrity in areas of wrinkles under static and cyclic loads
  • Integrity assessment of spans
    1. Axial (longitudinal) stress limit in load-controlled mode
    2. Axial (longitudinal) strain limit in constrained conditions
    3. Integrity under static and cyclic loading conditions
  • Integrity management under ground movement hazards
    1. Identification of ground movement hazards
    2. Determination of strain demand
    3. Limitation and use of ILI tools
    4. Assessment methodology
    5. Mitigation options
  • Incorporation of ILI and other inspection in weld integrity assessment
    1. Material property database
    2. Anomaly database
    3. Default material property data for integrity assessment
    4. Appropriate use of ILI data by understanding tools’ limitations
    5. Assessment methodology accounting for special features, such as weld cap reinforcement
  • Assessment of anomalies under internal pressure and high longitudinal strains
    1. SBDA with interacting defects, including (a) corrosion and (b) mechanical damage
    2. Consideration for realistic conditions, including (a) strength variations and (b) different terrain conditions
  • Options for enhancing girth weld performance
    1. Evaluate options for rehabilitation and remediation, such as using of sleeves, composite wraps, in-service welding, and other methods
    2. Installation procedures
  • Procedures for stress/strain relief
    1. Evaluate the effectiveness of stress/strain relief
    2. Safe excavation procedure
    3. Backfill procedures for long-term integrity

Example Projects

Representative Publications